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Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences MBA with specialisation in Smart Industry
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences

MBA with specialisation in Smart Industry

Amsterdam, Netherlands

18 Months


Full time

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EUR 18,300 / per course



Our world is at the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which will transform businesses and the way we work at an egregious pace. This revolution is propelled by rapid developments in ICT innovation and it is expected to profoundly change the industry in the coming decades. This cross-cutting theme helps businesses and industries to become more competitive through faster and more efficient utilisation of the opportunities ICT has to offer.

The MBA in Smart Industry is specially designed by WUAS to train future business administrators to understand the implications of exponential technologies such as artificial intelligence, advanced robotics and cognitive automation, advanced analytics, and the Industry Internet of Things (IIoT). This program will guide students through the process of critical analysis, planning and implementation of innovative digital businesses and operation strategies from a practical business point of view. In this course, students will:

  • Deal with strategic dimensions of digital business transformation through case study analysis.
  • Acquire the fundamentals to comprehend innovative digital business strategies and their impacts on corporate decisions and on the company’s growth and sustainability.
  • Develop the skills and knowledge regarding concepts of strategic management and applications in the future global marketplace particularly in the field of IIoT business transformation and new business models.
  • Understand how today’s jobs and associated skills are morphing into new jobs and career pathways that continue to evolve along with advanced technologies.

This programme is intended for students who aspire to learn the strategic fundamentals and acquire the skills to be capable of analysing digital transformation and Smart Industry related issues. By the end of this program, students should be able to understand, discuss and evaluate business strategies and tactics applied in the Smart Industry.

6 Intake Moments a Year

All Bachelor and Master programmes at Wittenborg have 6 intake moments a year. Students are also able to graduate 6 times a year. Graduation Ceremonies are held twice a year in the Winter and in the Summer.


Scholarships and Funding


Career Opportunities

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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