Executive MBA
Cape Town, South Africa
2 Years
Part time
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ZAR 211,590 *
* R430 290 for non-African residents and international students
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Africa's Top-Ranked EMBA
Consolidate your experience. Move beyond knowledge and theory to gain the wisdom needed to prioritise and manage in a complex world.
The Executive Management MBA (EMBA) at the UCT Graduate School of Business (GSB) is ranked 60th worldwide by the QS Global EMBA Rankings for 2020. It will give you the boost you need to redefine yourself and keep advancing.
The UCT GSB EMBA is not a traditional MBA. It assumes that, as an experienced manager, you have mastered the fundamentals of business and focus instead on developing your proficiency in functional management.
This applied learning experience will build a bridge between theory and practice - drawing on systems thinking, design thinking and integrative thinking to enhance your ability to conceptualise, strategise and solve complex challenges.
See the World in New Ways
The UCT Graduate School of Business’ EMBA programme is a unique degree which will expose you to different ways of viewing the world and build your capacity to integrate multiple perspectives and strategies for a more holistic and sustainable organisation. You will find more purpose and fulfilment in your role, and greater authenticity in how you engage with yourself, your team and the world.
This is a modular programme with five, two-week modules held at the GSB campus in Cape Town – South Africa’s most iconic and beautiful city. You will be studying at a globally-accredited business school with a world-class reputation. The UCT GSB is one of less than 100 business schools in the world to be triple-crown accredited.
Think and Lead Differently
Prepare yourself to lead in a world of new ideas
The UCT GSB EMBA will expose you to different ways of viewing the world, and build your capacity to integrate multiple perspectives and strategies for a more holistic and sustainable organisation.
For your convenience, this is a modular programme with a reasonable workload: five, two-week modules held at the UCT GSB Breakwater campus in Cape Town – South Africa’s most iconic and beautiful city.
Program Outcome
EMBA candidates will learn to:
- Go beyond knowledge and theory to include the felt experience of being in management
- Become more authentic in their engagement
- Find new purpose and fulfilment in their role and develop greater resilience in the workplace
- Develop the capacity to integrate multiple perspectives and strategies to build more holistic and sustainable organisations
Technical skill alone is no longer enough for those at the top. The EMBA at the UCT GSB works with emerging areas of scholarship to equip leaders and executives with the necessary soft skills and organising principles that will enable them to build resilience and make better decisions.
The EMBA curriculum comprises five contact Courses, plus a dissertation. The interactive nature of the programme requires that you must attend all contact Courses and contribute to the collective experience.
Course 1: Systemic Executive Practice This first course will enable you to start the construction of a conceptual framework for systemic management practice, which all other Courses will develop further. The learning processes and projects are designed to introduce and embed systemic practices in your own management practice. | Course 2: Managing for Shareholder Value In this course, you will explore opportunities for future value creation. The Course integrates key concepts from the fields of economics, finance, globalisation and entrepreneurship into a strategic framework. It guides the establishment of strategic intent and identifies and organises the activities, resources, capabilities, structures and processes needed to realise this. |
Course 3: Managing for Customer Value Focusing on operations, this Course will give you an in-depth understanding of how internal and external customer value is created in terms of quality, cost, volume and timing. The course aims to construct a cybernetic conceptual model of operations and to apply this to the value chain of the organisation and its different functions. | Course 4: Designing Sustainable Business Models The course will focus on enabling you to develop a new way of being in strategic management and leadership. By allowing you to dwell on and reflect on particular experiences using relevant theoretical concepts, as well as through trying out various heuristics and thought experiments, you will begin to experiment with different ways of being that will unlock new competence, agility and resilience in the workplace. |
Course 5: Managing for Societal Value In this course, you will broaden your focus to take in the wider socio-economic context in which business and other institutions operate. It is designed to instil an appreciation that an organisation is only as viable as the socio-economic system of which it is a part. | Course 6: Minor Dissertation The dissertation marks the final phase of your EMBA. You will be required to write a 25 000 word research report on a topic of relevance to your organisation or context that demonstrates your understanding of the research process and your ability to apply this. |
- #1+ Ranked EMBA in Africa
- #56 Ranked globally by Financial Times Top 100
- #60 Ranked globally by QS Global EMBA Rankings
Program Admission Requirements
Demonstrate your commitment and readiness to succeed in business school by taking the GMAT exam – the most widely used exam for admissions that measures your critical thinking and reasoning skills.
Download the GMAT mini quiz to get a flavour of the questions you’ll find in the exam.