The Global Centre for Advanced Studies
The Global Centre for Advanced Studies (GCAS College) is a college that offers high-quality, debt-free, EU-accredited degrees on undergraduate and graduate levels in philosophy, psychoanalysis, theology, and the social sciences. With award-winning and leading scholars in their faculty, owned by faculty and alumni members, GCAS is a unique community of researchers creating a knowledge-sharing economy.
The Global Centre for Advanced Studies (GCAS College) is a college that offers high-quality, debt-free, EU-accredited degrees on undergraduate and graduate levels in philosophy, psychoanalysis, theology, and the social sciences. With award-winning and leading scholars in their faculty, owned by faculty and alumni members, GCAS is a unique community of researchers creating a knowledge-sharing economy.
The GCAS Philosophy
GCAS offers a new model to future researchers and students to be free to learn and explore knowledge without debt.
Academic freedom is compromised by student debt. So we created a space to nurture and encourage critical thinking and reflection without economic pressures. We are co-owned by graduates and faculty so the freedom to think is inherently collaborative and global.
Research at GCAS
GCAS’s mission is high-quality, debt-free education that provides the resources for creative and new forms of research that are not possible in a traditional university setting. We believe that education is inherently an intersubjective experience that requires sharing ideas openly and proposing, and establishing new and bold lines of thinking and actions in rigorous scientific ways. Thus, what is essential to our academic community is respecting fellow researchers with different and sometimes challenging lines of thinking, performance, and action. The heart of what we do is to establish and maintain an open, inclusive, and challenging environment within which one can develop ideas and research, critically, what they find important for the world.
GCAS provides an alternative to traditional academia by providing support that allows researchers to do serious scientific and interdisciplinary research when compared to the traditional model of higher education, which is premised upon student debt, profit, and research that too often fails to address the most vexing issues confronting our planet’s survivability and further, true human flourishing. GCAS believes that a researcher/student has a responsibility to the public good through rigorous academic research. Our MA and Ph.D. programs provide students with the opportunity to conduct serious and sustained scientific research in partnership with our faculty and academic community.
Our Mission
“To provide the highest quality education and research opportunities in the world, debt-free.”
Our mission is global and enduring. The sufficient capability and capacity to become a leader in global education requires courage and a consistent push for innovation. These innovations come from the expertise and dedication of all GCAS faculty, staff, researchers, and students. Our professors are committed to teaching practices focused on theoretical and practical ways to maximize students' abilities and gifts to better our world. The GCAS community relies on our diverse student body to continue providing opportunities for this well-grounded, debt-free, and empowering education.
Our Values
“We value above all freedom. The freedom to create, explore, and innovate new concepts, ideas, and practices within our community.”
The GCAS vision remains consistent. It captures our strategic direction, commitment to excellence, and global outreach and access. Our vision sets the path for increased synergy with renowned scholars and the brightest minds and ambitions of the younger generation. It also implies that we can and will adapt to the changing tides of technology, taking advantage of the opportunity to grow the classroom beyond the traditional brick-and-mortar college, into a virtual, live, and interactive environment.
Our Vision
“To become a world-leading College, providing the highest quality education debt-free to all qualified students around the world.”
The GCAS vision remains consistent. It captures our strategic direction, commitment to excellence, justice, truth, and global outreach. Our vision sets the path for increased synergy with renowned scholars and the brightest minds of the younger generation. It also implies that we can and will adapt to the changing tides of technology, taking advantage of the opportunity to grow the classroom beyond the traditional brick-and-mortar college, into a virtual, live, and interactive environment.