Nobel International Business School
NiBS is a private boutique business school in Ghana. It was founded to make a difference with a new kind of educational model designed to meet the needs of executives. NiBS program delivery model is designed around busy executives, easy to experience, innovative, and forward-looking. Our foundation premise is that there is a new dawn for Africa that requires leadership creativity to emerge and shine. Africa needs executives with advanced cognitive leadership skills to discover the limitations of current leadership practices, develop deep insights into what works, and what does not work.
NiBS is a private boutique business school in Ghana. It was founded to make a difference with a new kind of educational model designed to meet the needs of executives. NiBS program delivery model is designed around busy executives, easy to experience, innovative, and forward-looking.
Our foundation premise is that there is a new dawn for Africa that requires leadership creativity to emerge and shine. Africa needs executives with advanced cognitive leadership skills to discover the limitations of current leadership practices, develop deep insights into what works, and what does not work.
Why a Doctorate Degree is Right for You
There are many reasons why executives like you take on this onerous task, knowing their time and financial demands of a higher degree program. Interviews with our students suggest that:
- Many want to prove to themselves that they can achieve the highest academic qualification and become thought-leaders in their professions.
- Most want to leave a lasting legacy -produce a thesis that creates a new contribution to business management knowledge and practice in Africa.
- Some want to demonstrate to their children and grandchildren the value of education and hard work - that you can achieve anything you set your mind on.
- Others want to build new knowledge and skills to advance in their careers, or branch into new careers such as consulting or teaching.
- Others want to go beyond learning about existing knowledge to a whole new level -creating and sharing new knowledge and practices to change how companies operate.
- Some want at some point, to pursue an academic career to help students qualify for the real world.
- Whatever, their reasons all our students want to build a better world by asking new and interesting questions, to discover new answers, new ideas, knowledge, and practices to improve business practice and society.
Why Choose NiBS
More and more senior executives choose to pursue their foreign doctorate degrees with NiBS because we understand the concerns and challenges busy executives face in taking on the task of being a doctorate student, including:
- Juggling work, family, and trying to squeeze in doctoral study
- Whether or not you will receive the support you need to navigate through the program
- Whether you can successfully complete the program
- Whether you can earn your degree in the time period required
To be recognized as the leading practice-oriented research business school in Africa which develops, educates, and trains business leaders and professionals throughout their careers.
Our mission is to be a leader in developing thought leaders who have habits of the mind – at once flexible and insightful, informed by experience, and yet oriented towards innovation so that they can be agents of both economic prosperity and transformative social change in Africa.
Our Solutions to Your Concerns & Challenges
We pioneered the executive doctorate program in Africa. As a new business school, we started from a clean slate so we did things differently to create an executive- friendly Graduate-On -Time (GOT) Model that takes care of your concerns and challenges including
- Creative program design and delivery -with the busy executive in mind - Each course is delivered over 2-3 days (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) every few months. For a doctoral degree, you attend approximately 35 days of classes during the entire 3-year program. The program schedule is given to you far in advance to allow you to plan your busy schedule.
- Fulltime Research Fellow Support -Under agreed policy guidelines, full-time research fellows assist you 24/7 in research and article search (if required), data collection and analysis, completion of assignments, etc
- Timely Completion - You start the thesis/project from day one - we help you in the first class to develop your topic - no waste of time looking for topics. We combine coursework with thesis writing by ensuring that all your assignments are related to your thesis. The program has been offered in Ghana for the past 5 years by NiBS. Seventy executives from Ghana, Nigeria, and other African countries have already graduated from the program in the past 2 years.
- Combination of course work and thesis-We combine course work with thesis writing by ensuring that all your assignments are related to your thesis. This ensures speed and timely completion by avoiding the problems associated with the traditional method of thesis completion.
- Thesis writing workshops - In traditional schools, thesis writing is unstructured, ad hoc, and lonely. We organize thesis writing workshops, each lasting two to three days at a time, to provide opportunities for Professors and Research Fellows to support the writing of your thesis in a formal school setting.
- High graduation rate - So far we achieve a graduation success rate of about 85% per cohort, In the past two years, we have graduated 77 senior executives from Ghana, Nigeria, and other African countries.
- Scholarship - We offer scholarships of significant value to students who meet certain conditions as well as flexible payment terms.
- Accra
Accra, Ghana