MIBA - Master of Investment Business Administration
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Mar 2024
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MIBA - Master of Investment Business Administration is designed to recruit business practitioners at the middle level of management and nurturing them with advanced practical knowledge and skills for being global business leaders and specialists in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The learning goal of MIBA is to ensure cutting-edge knowledge, analytical abilities, and practical application skills in general management and in the area of FDI, as well as logical reasoning ability and their capacity to apply knowledge in solving management problems.
Educating FDI Specialists
KU MIBA is the first full-time MBA program founded in 2005, in support of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy(MKE) and Korea Trade Promotion Agency (KOTRA). The purpose of this program is to educate specialists and consultants in FDI. Proficiency in
English is a prerequisite to all courses are taught in English. This program does not require applicants to have an undergraduate major in business administration because a diverse background of students facilitates sharing of expertise with their colleagues and understanding of industrial environments and technology advances.
Curriculum Balanced Between Theory and Practice
Prospective consultants and specialists in FDI take core business classes to acquire basic skills and knowledge in business theory and practice. In addition, they take Business Proposal
Presentation Practice, International Negotiation Practice & Contract Writing, and Global Business Manners & Customs in order to enhance their global perspectives. They also work as
interns during the vacation at institutions such as Kim & Jang law firms, Deloitte Consulting, and KOTRA overseas branches in order to gain practical knowledge in their fields of interests.
Lectures are conducted by invited professionals and government officials in the highly specialized area, if necessary.
Options to Choose to fine-tune Individual Needs
Students have various options to take during the two years program. For example, they can go to our overseas partner schools as exchange students for 1~2 semesters. Or they can finish all the course requirements by the third semester and then get a job in the last semester while undertaking independent study or writing a professional report.
Program Structure
Master of Investment Business Administration (MIBA) Program at Korea University Business School (KUBS). KUBS MIBA is the first full-time English-based MIBA program in Korea with a particular emphasis on Foreign Direct Investment. An innovative curriculum
that reflects the rapidly changing nature of the corporate world today and the state-of-the-art facilities including the LG-POSCO Hall provide a world-class educational and research environment for our students and faculty.
One & Only
- Extensive Support from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy(MKE) and from Korea trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)
Professional Career
- Prospective Investment Consultants and Specialists in Foreign Direct Investment
Global Learning
- Exchange Program with Top Business Schools worldwide.
Practical Experience
- Internships at Law/Consulting Firms
Global Communication
- All Courses Conducted in English
Specialized MBA
- MBA Program Focused on Foreign Direct Investment
Module-Based Curriculum
- Theoretical and Practice-Oriented Courses
Best Faculty in Korea
- Renowned Korean and International Professors
MIBA offers a wide-range of academic and career studies.
The 2-year program consists of 3 semesters of coursework followed by Internship, Independent Study or Exchange Student Program in the 4th semester.
Lectures are given on the weekdays and all lectures are in English with only a few exceptions.
General Education Requirements for Investment Expert will be conducted on a pass/fail basis every semester. (i.e. Business Proposal Presentation Practice, International Negotiation Practice, and Global Business Manners & Customs).
Visiting instructors from a government agency, KOTRA, Korean multinational firms and international firms, and the foreign embassy will be invited to provide various lectures.
All students will be pursuing a paralleled module-based curriculum to enhance teamwork, constructive competition, and their MBA experience.
MIBA - Master of Investment Business Administration is designed to recruit business practitioners at the middle level of management and nurturing them with advanced practical knowledge and skills for being global business leaders and specialists in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The learning goal of MIBA is to ensure cutting-edge knowledge, analytical abilities, and practical application skills in general management and in the area of FDI, as well as logical reasoning ability and their capacity to apply knowledge in solving management problems.
Educating FDI Specialists
KU MIBA is the first full-time MBA program founded in 2005, in support of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy(MKE) and Korea Trade Promotion Agency (KOTRA). The purpose of this program is to educate specialists and consultants in FDI. Proficiency in English is a prerequisite to all courses are taught in English. This program does not require applicants to have an undergraduate major in business administration because a diverse background of students facilitates sharing of expertise with their colleagues and understanding of industrial environments and technology advances.
Curriculum Balanced Between Theory and Practice
Prospective consultants and specialists in FDI take core business classes to acquire basic skills and knowledge in business theory and practice. In addition, they take Business Proposal Presentation Practice, International Negotiation Practice & Contract Writing, and Global Business Manners & Customs in order to enhance their global perspectives. They also work as interns during the vacation at institutions such as Kim & Jang law firms, Deloitte Consulting, and KOTRA overseas branches in order to gain practical knowledge in their fields of interests.
Lectures are conducted by invited professionals and government officials in the highly specialized area, if necessary.
Options to Choose to fine-tune Individual Needs
Students have various options to take during the two years program. For example, they can go to our overseas partner schools as exchange students for 1~2 semesters. Or they can finish all the course requirements by the third semester and then get a job in the last semester while undertaking independent study or writing a professional report.
Program Structure
Master of Investment Business Administration (MIBA) Program at Korea University Business School (KUBS). KUBS MIBA is the first full-time English-based MIBA program in Korea with a particular emphasis on Foreign Direct Investment. An innovative curriculum that reflects the rapidly changing nature of the corporate world today and the state-of-the-art facilities including the LG-POSCO Hall provide a world-class educational and research environment for our students and faculty.
One & Only
- Extensive Support from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy(MKE) and from Korea trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)
Professional Career
- Prospective Investment Consultants and Specialists in Foreign Direct Investment
Global Learning
- Exchange Program with Top Business Schools worldwide.
Practical Experience
- Internships at Law/Consulting Firms
Global Communication
- All Courses Conducted in English
Specialized MBA
- MBA Program Focused on Foreign Direct Investment
Module-Based Curriculum
- Theoretical and Practice-Oriented Courses
Best Faculty in Korea
- Renowned Korean and International Professors
MIBA offers a wide-range of academic and career studies.
The 2-year program consists of 3 semesters of coursework followed by Internship, Independent Study or Exchange Student Program in the 4th semester.
Lectures are given on the weekdays and all lectures are in English with only a few exceptions.
General Education Requirements for Investment Expert will be conducted on a pass/fail basis every semester. (i.e. Business Proposal Presentation Practice, International Negotiation Practice, and Global Business Manners & Customs).
Visiting instructors from a government agency, KOTRA, Korean multinational firms and international firms, and the foreign embassy will be invited to provide various lectures.
All students will be pursuing a paralleled module-based curriculum to enhance teamwork, constructive competition, and their MBA experience.